英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:14:49
  • 英英释义

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1. an autonomous region of northeastern China that was annexed by the Manchu rulers in 1635 and became an integral part of China in 1911

Synonym: Nei Monggol


1. 内蒙古:他和王松涛的英文专著<>(Inner Mongolia)不仅作为优秀图书在西单图书城展览,而且在国内外主要图书馆收藏,除了充当区内英语院校及外国留学生基础教材外,还充当内蒙自治区外办、教育厅外办赠送外宾的礼物.

2. 中国内蒙古:以及中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所(Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology)等处的研究人员在中国内蒙古(Inner Mongolia)宁城地区中生代地层中发现了一个中生代哺乳动物新化石,


3. (内蒙):科诺芬根技术中心现拥有80多名科学家团队负责向雀巢在全球60多个国家和地区的130多家乳品厂提供工艺、设备和技术支持,其中包括雀巢在中国双城(Shuangcheng)、青岛(Qingdao)、内蒙(Inner Mongolia)等的工厂.

4. 内蒙古自治区:内蒙古河段:Inner Mongolia reach | 内蒙古自治区:Inner Mongolia | 中心城镇:Inner Mongolia autonomy region

Parts of Northwest China, Inner Mongolia, North and Northeast China will see small to moderate snow or sleet.(中国西北、内蒙古、华北和东北部分地区将有小到中雪或雨夹雪。)
In north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, rain-triggered floods destroyed a bridge on the Jining-Tongliao Railway.(在中国北方的内蒙古自治区,大雨引发的洪涝破坏了集宁至通辽铁路的一座桥。)
More than 20 young dinosaurs died together 92 million years ago after being trapped in mud in what is now Inner Mongolia.(在内蒙古发现了9千2百万年前一群年轻恐龙的化石,它们因为陷于一潭泥沼中而丧命并被保存了下来。)
Yet Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Shandong take more than 1bn cubic metres of water above their allocation every year without permission.(然而宁夏、内蒙、山东,每年都在未经允许的情况下,超量10亿立方米。)
Economic activity migrates from the coasts to inland regions, such as Inner Mongolia.(经济活动从沿海地区迁移到内陆地区,比如内蒙古。)
This might work on a large scale in the northern deserts of Inner Mongolia, where land is cheap, plentiful and in need of fertiliser.(这项技术在内蒙古北部沙漠大规模应用时或许能凑效,因为那里的土地便宜、面积大且需要肥料。)
The Olympic torch starts its 3-day relay in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region today.(奥运圣火今日起开始在内蒙古自治区进行为期3天的传递。)
The sand and dust were swept thousands of kilometers south and east from the arid terrain of Inner Mongolia.(从内蒙古贫瘠的土地上,这些沙尘被席卷至东南方几千公里的区域。)
This city was built in the middle of a desert: Erenhot, Xilin gol, Inner Mongolia.(内蒙古锡林郭勒二连浩特完全修建在一片沙漠中。)
An airport in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, was forced to shut to prevent passenger jets crashing into a UFO, according to reports.(据报道,内蒙古的包头机场被迫关闭,以防止客机撞上ufo。)
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